Why Outdoor?
Outdoor advertising works because it functions as the catalyst between mobility and sale. It influences your customers when they are mobile and most likely to make a decision to buy.
The presence of outdoor advertising continually reaches consumers where they live, work, shop and play to deliver your marketing/promotional message as they travel throughout the course of daily life. With repeated familiarity, exposure and retention, outdoor advertising helps consumers to make a choice at the point of decision.

Your consumers are increasingly exposed to a growing list of multiple choices in both broadcast and print media (e.g., cable/satellite television or segmented–audience magazines), outdoor advertising presents a powerful alternative choice for uncluttered delivery of your message. Quite simply – Outdoor advertising can’t be turned off or thrown away!

Targeted Audiences
Outdoor advertising can be planned to reach specific segmented audiences within a particular market. A variety of outdoor advertising products can be used to effectively reach Hispanic, African-American, Asian or other ethnic and socio-economic segments within markets, often with targeted messages.

Powerful Presence
Outdoor advertising is big, bold and powerful.
Size: Imposing physical presence creates a visual impact.
Color: The possibilities are endless to draw attention to the message.
Brevity: Delivering quick burst of essential information.
Exposure: Continuous message delivery – 24 hours / 7 days a week

Message Reinforcement
An added bonus to using outdoor advertising is its ability to enhance the overall effectiveness of a media mix by broadening reach and frequency while bridging the gap between advertising messages delivered at home and your customers’ purchases outside the home.

Builds Awareness
Generally, we all tend to travel the same routes on a daily basis. This repetition makes outdoor advertising a great choice to generate high awareness levels in a short period of time. Because of this valuable characteristic, the medium is often used for new product or service introductions.

Based on CPM (Cost per Thousand) or CPP (Cost per Rating Point), outdoor media is one of the most cost-efficient forms of advertising. Its ability to deliver specific target audiences at low costs makes it a valuable addition to virtually any media mix – to reach more consumers and to stretch media dollars.